7 Ways to Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array in JavaScript

7 Ways to Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array in JavaScript

Do you wanna remove duplicate elements from an array in JavaScript?

So Hello Geeks, You are in the right place to learn 7 ways to remove
duplicate elements from an array in JavaScript so without losing time let’s
get start.

7 Ways to Remove Duplicate from an Array in JavaScript

So here are eight ways to filter out the duplicates from an array and return
only the unique values.

  1. Use the filter Method
  2. Using the forEach Method
  3. Adding a unique Method to the array Prototype
  4. By Using a Set
  5. By Using the reduce Method
  6. By Using Underscore JavaScript
  7. Remove Duplicates Objects from an Array

Use the filter() Method

Using filter() method you can remove duplicate from an array.
The filter method is used to create a new array of elements that
pass the conditions. We can retrieve the duplicate elements from the array by
adjusting our conditions. The filter method doesn’t execute the function for
empty elements.

Syntax: array.filter(function(currentValue, index, arr), thisValue)


Use the filter() Method

Using the forEach() Method

By using forEach() method, you can iterate over the elements in the array, and this method will push
into the  new array if it doesn’t exist in the old array. This forEach()
method calls a function for each element in an array. This method will not
executed for blank array.

Syntax: array.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr),
Using the forEach() Method

Adding a Unique Method to the Array Prototype

In JavaScript the array constructor allows you to add new properties and
methods to the object of array.

Adding a Unique Method to the Array Prototype

By using a Set

Set data type allows you to create collections of unique values.
Set data type firstly added in
and this is the one of the biggest features of set is that the data in array
not repeated. 
Adding a Unique Method to the Array Prototype

By Using the reduce() Method

The reduce method is little more tricky to understand then other
methods. It is used to reduce the elements of the array and combine them into
a one final array based on some reducer function that you passed.

By Using the reduce() Method

By Using Underscore JavaScript

The _.uniq() method is used to create an array of unique
elements in order, from all the given arrays using
SameValueZero for equality comparisons. This method generate a
duplicates version of array and also we can sort the array by passing the 2nd
parameter is True.

By Using Underscore JavaScript

Remove Duplicate Objects from an Array

We can also remove the duplicates objects from an array of objects by the
property name. We can achieve by using this:

Remove Duplicate Objects from an Array

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Hope you find this article helpful to delete or remove duplicates from an
array in javascript. If you have any doubt then just let me know in the
comment box.

Thank You.

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