How to Enable Community Tab on YouTube | How to Enable Community Tab

Friends Do you also have 1000 subscribers on youtube? If yes So you must also be wondering why my community tab has not yet
been enabled 
Friends, it often happens that even after 1000 subscribers, you don’t
give us a community tab 
Friends, in today’s article, we will learn how to open the community
tab yourself. In today’s post, we will see
how to enable the community tab on you.

How to enable community tab on youtube
Step -1 

As soon as you have 1000 subscribers, you should wait for a few days and
see if YouTube provides the community on its own channel.

And if you do not open the Community tab on your channel within 6 days, Then you can write feedback to the team on youtube.

How to enable community tab on youtube

Step 2 –

What to write in the feedback I am writing to you below, you can copy and
paste directly from here.

How to enable community tab on youtube

Hello team youtube my channel surpassed 1k subscribers but the community tab is not enabled please Enable the community tab feature
in my channel quickly as well as possible.

@teamyoutube @ytcreatorsindia

Channel name  – 

Channel link

Thank you and regards


How to enable community tab on youtube

You have to write all this in the feedback And there is another option in it to give a screenshot In the screenshot, you can send a photo of 1000 subscribers on your channel and send it.
You will have to wait 2 days after the feedback send, within 2 days you will get the community tab from YouTube.
tag –  how to enable community tab | when enabling community tab on youtube |how to get community tab in youtube

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