5 Search Secret Of Google Search Engine

Hello Friends

In this post, I will show you googles top 5 secrets so keep updated with us.

World’s Best Search Engine 

Google's Search Secret | 5 Secret Of Google Search Engine | Google Advanced Search

Google Calls Itself ” Best Search Engine Of The World”,  and It has Most Account but Google is not only the world’s largest search site. Google is
one of the 10 most popular sites on the internet.

1. Google has almost 73 million unique visitors every month.

2. 200 Million Search Every day.

3. Google Provides 88 different languages Interface and offers results in 35

Google provides basic and advanced web searching for images, news articles,
street addresses, phone numbers, news articles, etc.

If you are a normal internet user then you access Google several times a day
or week, as a normal user you don’t use google’s search power.

Note: “Google Queries Can’t Exceed 10 Words in Lenth.”

Why Google Provides More Search Results Than Other Search Engines?

When you are searching anything in Google search, You are actually searching the
database of webpages, not the web.

Google assembles the pages in its search index by using “Google’s Search Bot”  or Crawler Software to scour website, founded pages are auto-added to
google’s ever-expanding database. 

The result of your searches is ranked according to google’s trademarked
Pagerank Technology. If any webpage is linked to several high-ranked
pages then that page archives a high ranking.


How to Put Google Search on Your Own Web Site

Yes, You Can add google search to your personal web pages, at no charge to

You have to go to “https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/cse/create/newl“, 

Copy the Html source code listed there, and paste that code into the code of
your blogger/WordPress webpage.

The result will be a Google search box and Google Search button that your
visitors can use to search the Web from your site.

How to Narrow Your Search To Specific FileType 

Google Search contains all types of documents for searching information. Below
Following File Type and Extensions are searched by google :

1.  Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

2.  Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT)

3.  Microsoft Word (DOC)

4.  Text (Ans, Txt)

5. WRI, WPS, XLS, WDB, RTF, MW, etc.

Now If you like to narrow your result to a specific file type then add the following
query in your google search: “filetype: filetype“. For example, “filetype:doc“.

And if you want to remove any file type from your search result the type
following query: –filetype: filetype“. For example, “-filetype: ppt“.

Google's Search Secret | 5 Secret Of Google Search Engine | Google Advanced Search

#4 How to Put Google in Your Browser

You don’t have to go to the Google site to use Google search. Google enables
you to install Google search functions in your Web browser.

Google offers two methods of browser customization: Google Browser Buttons and
the Google Toolbar. 

* Google Browser Buttons *

Google Browser Buttons are buttons that are added to your Web browser’s
personal or links toolbar.

There are three Google Browser Buttons:

1. Google Search — initiates a Google search when you highlight
any word on a Web page and then          click this

2. GoogleScout — finds Web pages that are similar to the currently
displayed page

3. Google.com — takes you to the Google home page.

Install Google Browser Buttons in your Web browser, go to
and click the Get Your Google Buttons Here link. Follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the installation.

Search University, Government, and Technology Sites 

Google by default search the whole web for the words in your search queries.
You can also use the “site: domain” operator to narrow your search to a specific site or domain. But Google
identified several sites that are frequently searched by users and have
created a series of site-specific searches you can execute without the use of
special operators.

How To Search University Sites

You access Google University Search at “www.google.in/options/universities.html”.

How To Search Government Sites 

You can access Google Indian Government Search (www.google.in/unclesam/).

How To Search Technology Sites

Google Apple Macintosh Search (www.google.com/mac/)

Google BSD Search (www.google.com/bsd/)

Google Linux Search (www.google.com/linux/)

Google Microsoft Search (www.google.com/microsoft.html)

#Interesting Fact: Ask Google the Answer to Life, the Universe, and

Ask Google: “The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything” And
Comment the Ans.

Google’s Search Secret | 5 Secret Of Google Search Engine | Google Advanced

#6 How to Search for Similar Word

Not sure you’re thinking of the right word for a query? Do you figure that
some Web pages might use alternate words to describe what you’re thinking of?
Then use synonyms in your searches!

Google uses the tilde (~) operator to search for synonyms of a specific word.
Just enter the tilde before the keyword, like this: ~keyword.

For example, to search for words that are like the word “elderly,”
enter the query ~elderly. This will find pages that include not just
the word “elderly,” but also the words “senior,” “older,”
and so on.

Find Resurrect Dead Pages of any website 

What do you do if you click on a Web page in the search results list, but that
page no longer exists? You may still be in luck because Google saves a copy
of each page that it indexes as it existed at the time it was indexed. So even
if a page is dead and gone, you may still be able to view the cached (saved)
version of that page on Google’s server.

To display a specific cached page, use the cache: operator, like this:
cache: URL. For example, to display the cached version of my Molehill Group
home page, enter

#8 How to List Similar Pages

Have you ever found a Web page you really like, and then wondered if there
were any more like it on the Web? Wonder no more; you can use Google’s
related: operator to display pages that are in some way similar to the
specified page. 

For example, if you really like the news stories on the CNN Web site (www.cnn.com), you can find similar pages by entering related:www.cnn.com.

How to Use Google’s Advanced Search Page

Google's Search Secret | 5 Secret Of Google Search Engine | Google Advanced Search

Not comfortable learning all those complicated search operators, but still
want to fine-tune your search beyond the basic keyword query? Then here’s a
secret for you—almost all of this fine-tuning can be done from the simple
pull-down menus and checkboxes on Google’s Advanced Search page.

You can access the Advanced Search page by clicking the Advanced Search link
on Google’s home page.

Google's Search Secret | 5 Secret Of Google Search Engine | Google Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page contains several options you can use to fine-tune
your searches, without having to learn all those advanced operators. All you
have to do is make the appropriate selections on the page and Google will do
all the fine-tuning for you.

If you want more secrets about google then comment, please.

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