Different Types of Hacking Attacks, Benefits of Ethical Hacking

Different Types of Hacking Attacks | Benefits of Ethical Hacking

Different Types of Hacking Attacks | Benefits of Ethical Hacking

In this post, we will tell you the different types of hacking attacks done
by hackers And how will he do such an attack, this is also tell in this

Different Types of Hacking Attacks

Hackers divide their attacks into different types. These types are:


These techniques focus on the end-users (i.e. the people who use the target
devices). Because humans have a natural tendency to trust others, hackers
can break through a system’s defenses without using any electronic
These hackers may use “social engineering” tactics to obtain a user’s trust
and gain access to a network or file. You’ll learn more about social
engineering later on.
A hacker may also implement a physical attack against his target. For
instance, he may break into a computer room and access one or more devices
that are present. 
As an alternative, he may check the dumpsters in the building and try to
look for useful information (e.g. passwords). Hackers refer to this approach
as “dumpster diving”.


Hackers can implement this kind of attack easily, since most networks are
accessible through the internet. The most common forms of network attacks
  • Accessing a network using a rigged modem
  • Taking advantage of vulnerabilities in digital transport mechanisms
    (e.g. NetBIOS) Sending a continuous stream of requests to a network
  • Rigging the system and collecting data packets to access confidential

 Operating System 

These attacks play an important role in any hacker’s toolkit. That’s
because each computer has an operating system. And there are a lot of
tools that you can use to crack the OS (i.e. operating system) of a
There are a lot of operating systems out there. However, hackers
usually focus on the most
popular ones (e.g. Windows systems). 
Here are some of the OS attacks that you can use:
  • Destroying the security of a file system
  • Deciphering passwords
  • Attacking pre-installed authentication mechanisms
  • Taking advantage of vulnerabilities in certain protocols.


Some hackers utilize computer programs to attack networks. Often,
a hacker gains access to a machine through a web-based application
or an email-related program. The most popular members of this type
  • Sending “spam” (i.e. junk mail) to people
  • Installing malware (i.e. malicious software) in target systems
  • Bypassing security mechanisms (e.g. firewall) through “online”
    protocols (e.g. SMTP, HTTP, IMAP, etc.)

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Benefits of Ethical Hacking

To protect yourself from thieves, you need to think like one.
This principle serves as the core of white hat hacking.
The total number of hackers is growing each day. And these
people are on a continuous quest to improve their skills and
expand their knowledge. If you will consider the
vulnerabilities that exist in machines and digital networks,
you will realize the awful state of security that people have
against hackers. You need to protect your system from the bad
To achieve this goal, you should know how to hack. The goals
of a white hat hacker are:
  • Attack a system without destroying it
  • Identify system vulnerabilities
  • Prove that vulnerabilities exist
  • Help in improving the security of his target

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Different Types of Hacking Attacks | Benefits of Ethical

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