How to Optimize Blogspot Website – SEO for Blogger Website

How to Optimize Blogger Website | How to Do SEO For Blogger Website, seo for bloggers

How to Optimize Blogger Website

In earlier post we discuss on
How To Structure Your Site & Webpages, now next you need to optimize this webpage for Google.
This Post will be more important for the new bloggers who want to rank our post on
google because optimizing your website with SEO is the main ranking
factor for any website.
Google checks how keywords are used and how keyword matches a search query on
your post on your website and how other websites link to your site.

Web Performance Optimization

IMP TIP : Google not only crawl html of your webpage or post, if your
page contains PDF or any word files, than google also crawl this things
for index your pages on Google, so you need 
to optimize this things ( html, Image, PDF, Other Document etc). Google
will index all files of your web server that can find on google.

Keyword Factors Used For SEO Algorithm 

This following factors play a important role in the portion of the
Google algorithm that determines page relevancy.

1. Keyword Proximity

Google looks at words that make a phrase. Keyword Proximity is a measure
of words order and closeness. Exact matches score the best in Google. For
example, someone search on “Optimizing Your Website” ( Google Assign High
score if your webpages contain “Optimizing Your website” ) and if your
the page contains “Structure and Optimizing Websites” then google assign less

2. Keyword Format

This is not a real important factor, but every little bit helps for ranking,
A measure of whether a keyword is bold or italic on the page.

3. Keyword Density

Keyword Density means the number of times a keyword is used on a page divided
by the total words of a page is called Keyword Density, it is
also known as keyword weight.
There is some confusion over keyword density. There doesn’t seem to be an
ideal density value for google. from 6% to 20% is better. Don’t fill your
post with keywords – not only do customers think your site is a bad interface,
but Google may penalize you. It is not clear however google measures
keyword density.
Online tools for calculating keywords density :

4. Keyword Placement 

Keyword placement measures where on the page keyword are located. Google
looks for keywords in the page title, heading, body text, links, image alt
text, file names, and domain names.

The Importance of the <TITLE> Tag in Blog Post

There is one place on a webpage where your keywords must be present and
that is the page title. Correct use of keywords in the title of every page of
your site is very important to Google. if you do nothing to optimize your
site, remember to do this.
The TITLE shouldn’t consist of more than 9 words or 60 characters, with
your keywords used at the beginning of the title. Google looks for
relevant keywords in the title, this means you should not include your
company name in the title. if you want to include the company name in the
title then put it at the end of the title.

Best Tips For Creating Title In Blog Post

  • Each page must have a unique title.
  • Try to include your primary keyword in every title of every page.
  • Use more specific variations to your primary keyword phrases on your
  • particular product, service, or content pages.
  • Use the best form plural or singular, for your keywords based on the
  • Don’t repeat your keyword more than 2 – 3 times in the title.

How and Where to Use Keywords in Blog Post

Don’t try to use all of your keywords on the home page – rather focus on
primary and secondary keyword phrases.

Best SEO Tips For Placing Keyword

The following shows where keywords should be used on your web pages.

  • TITLE : <title> Your Keyword </title>. Just add
    your keyword at the starting of your title (Important).
  • Headings : <h1> Your Keywords </h1>. Also, add Your
    main keyword in h1 tags. you can change font size using CSS.
  • First Paragraph of page (first 20 to 25 words) : <Body>
    <p> Keywords </p> </body>. Use Your Keyword in First
    Paragraph and also bold and italic the keyword.
  • Link text : <a href=””> Your Keyword </a>. Also
    create a link of your keyword with other external website or own.
  • Last Paragraph of page: Include your keywords in the last
    paragraph of the page (less important).
  • URLs : Include Your Best keywords in urls, <a
  • Image alt text: This is important for image ranking. use your
    keyword in the alt tag of the image.
<img src=”” alt=”your
keyword”> (Important)

Imp Note : Don’t use H1 tag more than one time in any post.

How to Create Proper Link Structure For SEO

How to Optimize Blogger Website | How to Do SEO For Blogger Website, seo for bloggers

After the title of a page, Google gives special importance to the use of
keywords in links text. that’s means you need to struct your links
Generally, you should use text links on your site as compared to graphics
links like buttons. Google only looks for and count, keywords contained in
link anchor text.
Keywords found in link text should match keywords found on the page that
the links to the title of the page.
Text-Based link structure ( Recommended )
<a href =”Your-keywords.html”> Your keywords </a>
Graphics Link Structure :
<a href=”Your-Keyword.html”>
< img src=”Your keyword.gif” alt=”your keyword”> </a>

What Google Ignore in Sites 

Google ignores the following element on your post, due to their misuse or
  1. Information in the <meta name =”Keywords”> tags
  2. Information in the <meta name =”Site Description”> tags
  3. <!–comments–> Tags
  4. <style> tags information
  5. <script> tags information
  6. Duplicate links to the same page.
  7. Links that points to the same page.
  8. Any graphics or multimedia ( button, photos, animation)

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